Friday, February 28, 2014

Honduras: Walking Home From School

Under the bright and heavy Roatan Island sun, off the coast of Honduras, two little girls plod wearily home from school under a vault of palm leaves.

Sous le brillant et lourd soleil de l’île de Roatan, au large de la côte du Honduras, deux petites filles s’acheminent de l’école à leurs maisons sous une voûte de palmiers.

Bolivia: Selling Poultry On The Streets Of Sucre

The sale of these birds is all these Quechua women standing against a wall of Sucre’s market in Bolivia have to contribute to their family’s survival. And there are millions like them around the world. A reminder to be grateful for our own lives.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Brazil: Rio Negro Flood

Brazil’s Rio Negro, main tributary of the Amazon River, has flooded its banks, killing the forest and forcing families to move to their houseboats. The Rio Negro can rise as much as 14 meters.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Brazil: Red And White River In The Amazon

The Urucu River carries away the foam of its spectacular falls upstream. Its waters are reddish like tea because, when overflowing their banks, they infuse the forest’s dry leaves. They even taste like tea.
     The Amazon rain forest is not the Green Hell some explorers of old, in search of glory, would make people believe. At least not if you are not lost in it and losing your wits and your life.  It provides its Indians a happy and comfortable life working on average less than three hours a day.
     In fact, it is the world’s most beautiful garden. Photographing this river made me fantasize about floating down it on my back, as it seemed that it must lead to some terrestrial paradise.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

My computer did not start this morning, apparently from some hardware problem. I'll try to get help tomorrow, Monday. I'm writing from my wife's computer, but have no access to my digital photos. I hope to start posting new pictures again soon.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Collecting Piaçava In The Brazilian Amazon

Caboclos, mestizos of Brazil’s Amazon rain forest, cutting piaçava—the fibers of decayed palm leaves used in the manufacture of industrial brushes, brooms, ropes, and more.

Caboclos, métis de l’Amazonie brésilienne, coupant du piaçava—des fibres de feuilles de palmiers sèches et effritées qui s’utilisent dans la fabrication de balais, de brosses industrielles, et de cordes.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Colombia: Antioquia Market Day

On market day, in Colombia’s Andean town of Antioquia, a farmer returns home from the market with purchases loaded on an ox. Along the wall other farmers are waiting their turn to sell their bags of coffee inside the office of a coffee growers  cooperative where it will be evaluated first.

Un jour de marché en Colombie, dans la petite ville andine d’Antioquia, un fermier retourne chez lui avec quelques achats que transporte son bœuf. Le long du mur d’autres fermiers attendent leurs tours de vendre leurs sacs de café a l’intérieur du bureau d’une coopérative de producteurs de café ou il sera d’abord évalué. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Philippines Street Fight

Amateur boxing match in a street of La Carlota, in the Philippines’ Mindanao island.

Rencontre de boxeurs amateurs dans une rue de La Carlota, dans l’île philippine de Mindanao.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Djibouti: Danakil Boy Herding Goats

Danakil nomad boy herding goats across Djibouti’s Lake Abbe's dry side, which is covered with a crust of salt.

Garçon Danakil menant des chèvres au pâturage sur le lac Abbe de Djibouti, dont cette partie asséchée est couverte de sel.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Eritrea And the Shark Fins' Trade

In Thio, on Eritrea’s Red Sea coast, Danakil fishermen are eviscerating small sharks, which they will later salt and dry for export to China via Aden, in South Yemen. Photo 1963.
A Thio, sur la côte Erythréenne de la mer rouge, des pêcheurs Danakil éviscèrent de petits requins qu’ensuite ils saleront et étaleront a sécher pour l’exportation en Chine, via Aden, au sud du Yémen. Photo 1963.

Eritrea: Danakil Waterhole

At sunrise near Thio, on Eritrea’s Red Sea coast, an old Danakil man rests on his shovel after unclogging a water hole in a dry river bed. His grandson pulls water from the hole to fill the bag on the donkey. 
     Unlike desert Danakil, who raise camels and goats and are nomadic, coastal Danakil are settled and civilized. At the time of this photograph, in 1967, they fished sharks whose fins they exported to Aden, in south Yemen, from where they found their way to China.
Aux premiers rayons du soleil près de Thio, sur la côte Erythréenne de la mer rouge, un homme Danakil se repose sur sa pelle après avoir retiré du sable d’un trou d’eau dans le lit sec d’une rivière. Son petit-fils  en puise de l’eau pour remplir le sac sur l’âne.
     Contrairement aux Danakil nomades du désert, qui élèvent des chameaux et des chèvres, les pêcheurs Danakil de la mer rouge sont civilisés. A l’époque de cette photo, en 1967, ils pêchaient des requins dont les ailerons s’exportaient en Chine via Aden, au Yémen.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Ethiopia's Danakil, Or Life At Its Harshest

 Ethiopia’s Danakil nomads build their huts on the Danakil Depressions lava fields, leaving what little grass-producing sand is available to their camels and goats.  No region on earth is hotter than theirs, and the lava does all it can to keep it so.

Les nomades Danakil d’Ethiopie montent leurs huttes sur les champs de lave de la dépression Danakil pour laisser à leurs chameaux et chèvres les petites étendues de sable ou pousse un peu d’herbe. Aucune région au monde est plus chaude que la leur et la lave fait tout ce qu’elle peut pour quecela reste ainsi.

Algeria: Ghardaia Oasis Market

1963 photograph of the market place of Algeria’s Ghardaïa Oasis and Berber inhabitants.

Photo de 1963 du marché de l’oasis algérienne de Ghardaïa et de ses Berbères.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Indonesia's Tengger Volcanic Complex

Tengger Volcanic Complex of Indonesia’s Java Island at dawn. It includes the Bromo and Semeru Volcanoes. At 3,676 meters, Semeru is Indonesia's tallest mountain.

Complexe volcanique Tengger sur l’ile indonésienne de Java à l’aube. Il inclut les volcans Bromo et Semeru. Les 3,676 mètres de Semeru en font la montagne la plus élevée d’Indonésie.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Honduras: Leisurely Life Of Roatan Island

In Honduras’ Caribbean Islands of Roatan, also known as Bay Islands, life follows a centuries’ old leisurely pace.
Au Honduras, dans l’ île antillaise de Roatan, la vie se déroule au pas tranquille des siècles passés.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Aerial Photo Of Brazilian Amazon's Overflowing Rio Negro

Aerial photo of Brazil’s Rio Negro flooding its surroundings near Manaus. The Rio Negro is the Amazon River’s most important tributary and, after the Amazon, the most powerful river of South America.

Photo aérienne du Rio Negro inondant ses rives près de Manaus. Le Rio Negro est l’affluent le plus important de l’Amazone et, après l’Amazone, la rivière la plus puissante d’Amérique du Sud.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Brazil: Gold Shines Inside Salvador's Sao Francisco Church

In Brazil, gold dazzles the faithful during mass in Salvador’s Sao Francisco Church.
Au Brésil, l’or éblouit les fidèles durant une messe dans l’église Sao Francisco à Salvador.

Brazil: Life In The Amazon

Hut of a family of mestizo settlers along the Padauari River, a small  tributary of Brazil’s Rio Negro, in Brazil’s Amazon rain forest. Two canoes float at the foot of the ladder.
Hutte d’une famille de colons métis le long de la rivière Padauari, un petit affluent du Rio Negro, en Amazonie brésilienne.Deux canots flottent au pied de l'échelle.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Pre-Taliban Afghan Nomads Sharing Meal

In the fall of 1965 I followed the slow migration of Kuchi nomads from Afghanistan’s 
cooling Hindu Kush Mountains down to warmer Indus valleys where they would spend the winter. The spectacle of those colorfully dressed Pashtun people herding thousands of camels, sheep, goats, donkeys, and cows down the rugged mountains was impressive. Some of them were traders who transported wool, meat, and dairy products to sell. The three traders pictured here were having a late lunch of soft cheese. They had unloaded their camels for the day and stacked their bundles into a protective wall against the wind.

Durant l’automne de 1965 j’ai suivi une migration de nomades Kouchi entre les froides montagnes afghanes de l’Hindou Kouch et les chaudes vallées de l’Indus où ils passeraient l’hiver. Le spectacle de ces familles Pashtoun, aux vêtements de couleurs vives, et de leurs vastes troupeaux de moutons, chèvres, chameaux, ânes et vaches était impressionnant. Quelques-uns d’entre eux, des hommes, étaient des marchands. Ils transportaient à chameau de la laine, de la viande et des produits laitiers. Les trois marchands de cette photo s’étaient arrêtés pour la journée et partageaient une casserole de fromage. Ils avaient érigé un mur de leurs charges pour les protéger du vent.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Colombia: Rural Scene

Girls wringing sheet they washed in river near Atanquez, in Colombia’s  Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Jeunes filles tordant drap de lit qu’elles ont lavé dans la rivière près d’Atanquez, dans la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Morocco: Berber Woman of The High Atlas

Ait Haddidu Berber Woman of Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains.

Femme Berbère Ait Haddidu du Haut-Atlas Marocain

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bolivia: Llamas On A Rocky Path.

Walking up this rocky path in the Bolivian Altiplano, ahead of a llama salt caravan I was traveling with, I found those three llamas watching our own llamas across a ravine with much interest. Llamas can’t stand llamas they did not grow up with. They lose no opportunity to start fighting with them.

Grimpant ce sentier rocailleux dans l’Altiplano bolivien, a la tête d’une caravane de lamas transportant du sel avec laquelle je voyageais, j’ai rencontré ces trois lamas fort intrigués par ceux de ma caravane de l’autre côté d’un ravin. Les lamas ne supportent pas les lamas qui ne font pas partie de leurs groupes et ne perdent jamais l’occasion de leur chercher querelle.