Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Colombia Has Some of the World's most Picturesque Villages

Colombia. Villa de Leyva (Boyaca State), a small Spanish colonial town. Central square.
Learn photography joining Victor on one of his (or your) journeys
Colombie. Villa de Leyva (Boyacá), un gros village qui a conservé son héritage colonial espagnol. Place centrale. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Barley-Threshing Horses in Peru

Peru. Pampa de Cangallo near Ayacucho. Morochuco mestizo prods his horses into threshing his barley harvest.
Learn photography joining Victor on one of his (yours) journeys
Pérou. Pampa de Cangallo. Prés d’Ayacucho. Homme morochuco faisant piétiner son orge par ses chevaux pour en séparer le grain.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Amazon: Passionate Yanomami Embrace Of A Baby

Brazil. Amazon rain forest. Yanomami man embracing a grandson. The strips of bark of his hammock, knotted together at both ends, are otherwise dangling freely from each other. A child's bow lies under the hammock.
Learn photography joining Victor on one of his (or your) journeys
Brézil. Forêt amazonienne. Indien yanomami embrassant un de ses petits-enfants. Son hamac est fait de bandes d’écorce nouées á chaque bout. Seul un Yanomami peut y dormir sans tomber á terre entre elles. Un arc d’enfant traine sous le hamac.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Paddling Canoe Across the Niger River at Sunset

Niger. Ferrying men across the Niger River at sunset.
Learn photography joining Victor on one of his (or your) journeys
République du Niger. Transport de passagers d’une rive á l’autre du fleuve Niger au soleil couchant.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Afghan Horseman Herding Sheep Across Kunduz River

Afghanistan. Uzbek man herding sheep across the Kunduz River.
Learn photography joining Victor on one of his (or your) journeys
Afghanistan. Cavalier Uzbek faisant traverser la riviére Kunduz á ses moutons.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Afghan Pashtun Nomad and Camels

Afghanistan. Ghazni. Kuchi (Pashtun) nomad watering camels. They all lifted heads to scrutinize the intruder aiming a camera at them.
Learn photography joining Victor on one of his (or your) journeys
Afghanistan. Ghazni. Nomade Kuchi (Pashtun) abreuvant ses chameaux. Ils levérent tous la tête pour examiner l’intrus qui se cachait derriére une caméra.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tuareg Boy Walking through Sahara’s Sands

Niger. Sahara Desert. Tuareg boy walking through sand dune to get some water from a water hole.
Learn photography joining Victor on one of his (or your) journeys
Niger. Sahara. Jeune Tuareg traversant une dune pour remplir son bol avec l’eau d’un puits.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ghardaia Souk in Algerian Sahara

Algeria. Sahara Desert. Ghardaia Oasis (Mzab). Souk. Mzabite Berbers.
Learn photography joining Victor on one of his (or your) journeys
Algérie. Sahara. Oasis de Ghardaia. (Mzab). Souk. Berbéres mzabites.