Friday, April 19, 2013

Ethiopia: Danakil Girl Portrait

Ethiopia. Great Rift Valley. Danakil Depression (Afar Triangle). Danakil girl.

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Ethiopie. Grande faille d’Afrique. Dépression Danakil. Jeune fille Danakil

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Costa Rica: Misty Road

Costa Rica. Misty morning road near Turrialba.

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Costa Rica.  Matin brumeux le long d’une route près de Turrialba.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Costa Rica: Cloud Forest

Costa Rica. Cloud forest near Turrialba.

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Costa Rica.  Forêt des nuages près de Turrialba

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Costa Rica: Cenicero Tree

Costa Rica. Guanacaste. Cenicero tree.

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Costa Rica. Province de Guanacaste. Cenicero.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Kenya : Turkana Hair Fashion.

Kenya. Near Lake Turkana. Turkana nomad works on another man's hairdo, using red and grey clay in which to insert short tubes to hold ostrich feathers.  

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Kenya. Près du lac Turkana. Nomade Turkana donnant forme à la chevelure d’un autre homme avec de l’argile grise et rouge. Il y incrustera de petits tuyaux de cuivre pour y planter des plumes d’autruches.

Kenya: Turkana Girl At Water Hole.

Kenya. Near Lake Turkana. Turkana nomad girl carrying water from a water hole.

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Kenya. Près du lac Turkana. Fille nomade Turkana portant de l’eau d’une mare.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Colombia: Indian Boy Poling Canoe At Dawn

On his way to visit relatives across Colombia’s Docordo River in Colombia’s Choco rain forest, a Noanama boy is poling a dugout canoe through a blue dawn’s mist.

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Niger: Wodaabe Woman Portrait

Niger. Sahel. Wodaabe (Bororo/Fulani) nomad woman watching a dance which doubles as a male beauty contest..

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Niger. Sahel. Femme Wodaabe (Bororo/Peule) observant une danse qui est à la fois un concours de beauté masculine.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Montana Ghost Town Ancient Window Display

United States. Montana. Virginia City, a ghost town. Ancient shop window.

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Etats-Unis. Montana. Virginia City, une ville fantôme. Vitrine d’une ancienne boutique.

Bolivia: Aymara Family Plowing Potato Field

Bolivia. Altiplano at Huatajata, on Lake Titicaca's shore. Aymara family plowing potato field. The wall-like stone heap behind was pulled from their field.

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Bolivie. Altiplano a Huatajata, a l’orée du Lac Titicaca.
Famille Aymara labourant son champ de pommes de terre. L’amoncellement de pierres derrière eux fut retiré de ce champ.