Friday, May 31, 2013

Brazil: Yanomami Indians Entertaining A Guest

Brazil. Amazon rain forest. Yanomami Indians entertain a visitor (right), who has come in the name of his clan to invite them to a plantain soup drinking party.

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Brésil. Amazonie. Indiens yanomamis entretenant un visiteur (à droite) venu inviter leur clan a partager une soupe de bananes plantain.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Colombia: Village Street Corner

Colombia. La Cumbre (Cauca Valley). Farmer loading his horse with purchases he made at the small town's corner shop.

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Colombie. La Cumbre (Valle del Cauca). Fermier chargeant son cheval des petites marchandises qu’il  achetées au magasin d’un coin du village.

Colombia: Sunrise Over Barichara

Colombia. Sunrise over Barichara, a small Santander town

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Colombie. Lever du soleil sur Barichara, une petite ville de Santander.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Morocco: An Ait Morhrad Berber's Shining Smile

Morocco. High Atlas Mountains. Ait Morhrad Berber.

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Maroc. Haut Atlas. Berbère Ait Morhrad aux dents d’or.

Morocco: Using Feet To Wash Clothes

Morocco (1967). High Atlas Mountains. To prepare for the next day's Feast of the Sheep, which celebrates Abraham's Sacrifice, Ait Hadidu Berbers wash their burnooses by stamping on them. Though they would not help their wives carry firewood, they willingly wash their own clothes too.

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Maroc (1967). Haut Atlas. En préparation de la fête du mouton, qui célèbre le sacrifice d’Abraham et aura lieu le jour suivant, ces Berbères Ait Haddidou lavent leurs burnous en les piétinant. Quoiqu’ils n’aident pas leurs femmes à porter le bois de chauffage, ils lavent volontiers leurs robes.  

Monday, May 27, 2013

Borneo: Dyak Man Portrait

Indonesia. Kalimantan. Central Borneo rain forest. Dyak man.

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Indonésie. Kalimantan. Forêt de Bornéo. Dayak .

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Borneo: Dyak Bringing Home The Meat

Indonesia. Borneo rain forest. Dyak man carrying sections of a python he killed.

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Indonésie. Forêt de Bornéo. Dayak transportant deux sections d’un python qu’il a tué.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Indonesia. Borneo rain forest. Dyak man playing a string instrument.

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Indonésie. Forêt de Bornéo. Homme Dayak jouant d’un instrument à cordes.

Colombia : New Day Facing A Cowboy

Colombia. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Pueblo Bello. Cowboy pulling his horse out of an inn where they spent the night,

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Colombie. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Pueblo Bello. Cowboy abandonnant l’auberge où lui et son cheval passèrent la nuit.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kenya: Preparing For A Samburu Dance

Kenya. Mathews (Ldoinyolenkiyo) Range. Samburu moran designing a dress fit for the dance he will participate in later.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
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Kenya. Chaîne Ldoinyolenkiyo. Jeune guerrier Samburu confectionnant un habit qui l’aidera à briller dans la danse à laquelle il participera plus tard.