Sunday, June 23, 2013

Colombia: Antioquia Tomato Market

Colombia. Andes Mountains. El Peñol (Antioquia State). Tomato market. Farmers await buyers while chatting over their crates.

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Colombie. El Peñol, une ville andine du département d’Antioquia. Marché de tomates. Appuyés sur leurs caisses de tomates, leurs producteurs bavardent en attendant les clients.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Afganistan: Kabul Tea Shop

Afghanistan. Kabul. Tea shop. Owner sits in front of his Russian samovar. Teapots line the shelves behind him.

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Afghanistan. Kabul. Salon de thé. Le patron est assis devant son samovar russe. Les théières sont alignées derrière lui.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Afghanistan:Pashtun Camel Market

Afghanistan. Ghazni. Camel market. Some Pashtun men examine a camel they might buy, while others watch.

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Afghanistan. Ghazni. Marché de chameaux. Observés par des curieux, des Pashtuns examinent un chameau.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Afghanistan: Kuchi Nomad Boy

Afghanistan. Hindu Kush Mountains. Kuchi (Pashtun) nomad boy.

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Afghanistan. Hindu Kush. Garçon nomade Kuchi (Pashtun).

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Peru: Q'ero Indians Tending to Llamas

Peru. Andes Mountains Cordillera Vilcanota. Q'ero Indians changing faded red wool tassels in male llamas' ears for bright new ones. Tassels help the Q'ero distinguish male from female llamas from a distance. The two sexes have different uses.

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Pérou. Montagne des Andes. Cordillère Vilcanota. Indiens Q’eros changeant la laine passée des oreilles de leurs lamas mâles pour une nouvelle. Cette laine aide les Q’eros à distinguer de loin les mâles des femelles. Les deux sexes ont des usages différents.

Peru. Sacred Inca Valley

Peru. Cusco Province. Inca Sacred Valley at Chinchero. Inca agriculltural terraces. Indian woman herding pigs to pasture.

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Pérou. Province de Cusco. Vallée sacrée des Incas. Terraces agriculturales Incas. Indienne menant ses cochons au pâturage.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Cameroon: Bororo Woman

Cameroon. Bamenda Highlands. Bororo (Fulani) woman at her house’s door.

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Cameroon. Plateau de Bamenda. Femme Bororo (Fulani) a la porte de sa maison.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

America: The Colors Of Denver

United Sates. Colorado. Denver

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Etats-Unis. Colorado. Couleurs de Denver.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Colombia: Pacific Ocean Cove

Colombia. Pacfic coast at Juanchaco (Cauca Valley). Small cove along the beach.

 Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot great photos.
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Colombie. Côte de l’océan Pacifique à Juanchaco (Vallée du Cauca). Anse le long de la plage.