Monday, July 16, 2012

Spirited Old Bicyclist

Bolivia. Andes Mountains. Southern Altiplano. Quechua Indian pushing loaded bicycle hours away from nearest village
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Bolivie. Andes. Altiplano. Indien Quechua poussant sa bicyclette á plusieurs heures de marche du village le plus proche.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Darkly Handsome and Typical Colombian Sugarcane Cutter

Colombia. Near Palmira (Cauca Valley). Sugarcane cutter protects head and neck from hard-pounding sun.
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Colombie. Vallée du Cauca près de Palmira. Ce coupeur de canne á sucre protège tête et cou contre un soleil féroce.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How Dyak Women Rock their Babies to Sleep

Indonesia. Borneo. Dyak woman rocking baby to sleep in a sarong hanging from the ceiling of her longhouse. Once he sleeps, she will untie his neck and softly bring him down to a horizontal position.
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Indonésie. Bornéo. Femme Dayak berçant bébé dans un sarong accroché au plafond. Dès qu’il dormira elle libèrera son cou et l’allongera doucement dans le sarong.

Friday, July 13, 2012

What a Great Prop a Loving Father's Head Makes

Indonesia. Central Borneo rain forest. Dyak father and son at a social gathering .
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Indonésie. Bornéo. Pére et fils Dayak á une réunion sociale.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bareback-Riding Women

Peru. Pampa de Cangallo (near Ayacucho). Morochuco mestizas race horses bareback. 
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Pérou. Prés d’Ayacucho. Pampa de Cangallo. Métisses de la tribu Morochuco en une course sans selles. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life on a Floating Island

Peru. Lake Titicaca. Floating reed island. An Uro-Aymara indian grinds barley between two stones. Reeds are the stuff of her life. She sleeps on a reed mat, in a reed hut, and on a reed floating island. She moves to other floating islands or to land by reed boat, fuels her fire with reeds, and occasionally even eats reeds.
Learn photography joining Victor on one of his (or your) journeys
Pérou. Lac Titicaca. Ile de joncs flottante. Indienne Uro-Aymara broyant de l’orge entre deux pierres. Son monde repose sur le jonc. Elle dort sur une natte de joncs, sous une hutte de joncs, sur une ile de joncs flottante. Elle se transporte á terre ou d’une ile de joncs flottante a l’autre avec un canot de joncs, cuisine sur un feu de joncs, et parfois mange des joncs.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Danakil Warrior with Buttered Ringlets

Ethiopia. Great Rift Valley. Danakil Depression. Danakil warrior. Butter drips from his ringlets onto his face and toga. 
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Ethiopia. Grande faille d’Afrique. Dépression dankalie. Le beurre qui graisse les boucles de ce guerrier Danakil coule sur son visage et sa toge.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Quiet Moment with an Agouti Paca Friend

Colombia. Choco rain forest. Docordo River. Noanama Indian playing the flute. An agouti paca pet squeezes against him.
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Colombie. Forêt du Chocó. Indien Noanama et agouti, une mascotte. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Riding to the Rodeo, Montubio Style

Ecuador. Salitre (Guayas). Day of the Montubios, as local people call Columbus Day and the rest of Latin America calls Dia de la Raza. Montubio is how the mestizo people of Ecuador's lowlands call themselves. Before the rodeo, the participating teams ride through town, their high-spirited female leaders first.
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Ecuador. Salitre (Guayas). Pour célébrer le 12 octobre, anniversiare de l’arrivée de Christophe Colomb en Amérique, les Montubios, métis des terres côtieres, organisent un grand rodéo. Les équipes participantes arrivent précédées par leurs ardentes madrinas (marraines).

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fiercely Possessive Motherhood

Ethiopia. Danakil Depression (Great Rift Valley). Danakil nomad mother and  baby sitting on dry grass.
Learn photography joining Victor on one of his (or your) journeys
Ethiopie.  Depression dankalie (Grande faille d’Afrique). Femme et bebe de la tribu nomade Danakil.