Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Yanomami Social Life

Brazil. Amazon rain forest. Yanomami women grate manioc over the inside of a huge tree bark.  The clan will prepare a huge quantity of soup with it, and invite some 100 people of a neighboring clan to come and share it with them at a merry party. Such invitations are made in the hope of maintaining cordial relations

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
You'll find it very affordable
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)

Brésil. Amazonie. Femmes Yanomami râpant du manioc sur le lisse intérieur d’une écorce d’arbre. Le clan en préparera  assez de soupe pour inviter un clan voisin fort de près de 100 personnes. L’invitation, qui inclura une énorme quantité de venaison, s’assurera de bonnes relations

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Kiss In The Park

Argentina. Buenos Aires. Palermo. February 3 Park. Lovers kissing on a bridge.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
You'll find it very affordable
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)

Argentine. Buenos Aires. Palermo. Park du 3 février. Baiser sur un pont.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Suckling Baby Camel

Niger. Sahara. Suckling baby camel.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
You'll find it very affordable
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)

Niger. Sahara. Bébé chameau tétant sa mère.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ethiopia': Afar Girl

Ethiopia. Great Rift Valley. Danakil Depression (Afar Triangle). Danakil (Afar) nomad girl.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
You'll find it very affordable
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)

Ethiopie. Grande faille d’Afrique. Dépression Danakil (Triangle Afar). Jeune fille Danakil (Afar).
Please view this video and spread the message:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Peruvian Indian Market

Peru. Andes Mountains. Pisac. Cuzco Province. Market. Indian food vendor.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
You'll find it very affordable
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)

         Pérou. Montagnes des Andes. Pisac. Province de Cuzco. Cuisinière indienne.                                                                                                

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mexico. Chihuahua State. Copper Canyon.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
You'll find it very affordable
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)

Mexique. Etat de Chihuhua. Canyon du cuivre.

I was away from the computer for more than two weeks, and very happy about it. I regret, however, to have disappointed those who, meanwhile, found my blog inactive.
     I was In Colombia, one of my favorite countries. But I'm back now, and trying to catch up.

J'ai été loin de mon ordinateur ces derniers temps, et pas fâché du tout. Je regrette cependant d'avoir déçu ceux qui trouvèrent mon blog inactif.
     J'étais en Colombie, l'un de mes pays favoris. Mais je suis de retour. Quoique très occupé à mettre mes affaires à jour, je ferai de nouveau de mon mieux pour vous montrer de nouvelles images du monde.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Wodaabe Man Of Niger Dancing The Gerewol, A Male Beauty Contest

Niger. Sahel. Wodaabe nomad dancing the Gerewol, a dance which is at the same time a male beauty contest between clans. An ostrich feather stands on his head.

Join me and a tiny group in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these
You’ll find the experience very affordable
For details, write to viengleb@aol.com

Niger. Sahel. Nomade Wodaabe dansant le Gerewol, qui est à la fois un concours de beauté masculine entre clans. Une plume d’autruche se dresse  sur sa tête.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Colombian Free-For-All Bullfight

Colombia. Near Cartagena. Corraleja, a popular free-for-all bullfight. A few are using a muleta, some inscribed with a supermarket ad, but most use anything they lay their hands on their way here, including cement bags. Thrash from the spectators rain on the amateur bullfighters in derision.

Join me and a tiny group in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these. You'll find it very affordable
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)

Colombie. Près de Cartagena. Corraleja, un combat de taureaux populaire. Quelques hommes utilisent une muleta, certaines portant le nom d’un supermarché. D’autres se servent d’un sac de papier, d’un carton, ou de ce que la foule moqueuse leur lance à la tête depuis les gradins d bambou.