Friday, May 10, 2013

Ecuador: Farmers Eating Lunch On Sidewalk

Ecuador. Andes Mountains. Guano. Farmers eating lunch purchased at a market on the plaza across from them.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to take pictures like these
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Equateur. Montagnes des Andes. Guano. Couple de fermiers en visite au marché ou ils ont acheté leur repas de midi.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ecuador : Chimborazo Volcano Looming Above Cowboy And His Cattle Herd

Ecuador. Andes Mountains. Snowcapped Chimborazo Volcano. Indian cowboy herds bulls being raised for Quito's bullfighting ring.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to take pictures like these
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Equateur. Montagnes des Andes. Volcan Chimborazo. Berger indien gardant des taureaux élevés pour l’arène de Quito.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Honduras: Card Game

Honduras. Roatan Iisland. West End Town. Playing cards.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to take pictures like these
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Honduras. Ile de Roatan. West End Town. Jeux de cartes.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Another Beautiful Polynesian

French Polynesia. Marquesas Archipelago. Hiva Oa Island.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to take pictures like these
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Polynésie française. Archipel des Marquises. Ile de Hiva Oa.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Beautiful Polynesian

Marquesas Archipelago. Nuku Hiva Island. Threading flowers into garlands.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to take pictures like these
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Polynésie française. Archipel des Marquises. Ile de  Nuku Hiva. Enfilant des fleurs pour en faire des guirlandes

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013

Colombia: Pipeline_Welder_Portrait

Colombia. Florian (Santander State). Pipeline welder.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
 (For details, write to

Colombie. Florian (Etat de Santander). Soudeur de conduits à  pétrole.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Colombia: Zipping Down a Cable On The Way To School

Colombia. Andes Mountains. Guayabetal (Cundinamarca). On his way to school a boy crosses the Rio Negro canyon zipping down a cable at high speed. When arriving at destination, he brakes pulling down on the cable the piece of wood he is holding in his right hand.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
 (For details, write to

Colombie. Montagnes des Andes (Cundinamarca). En chemin pour l’école, un garçon traverse le canyon du Rio Negro à grande vitesse. Pour freiner à l’arrivée il tire vers le bas la pièce de bois qu’il tient dans sa main droite.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Colombia: Market Day Chatter

Colombia. Andes Mountains. Fredonia (Antioquia State). Market day. Talking business outside a cafe.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
 (For details, write to

Colombie. Montagnes des Andes. Fredonia (Province d’Antioquia). Jour de marché. Discutant affaires à l’extérieur d’un café.