Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Morocco: Using Feet To Wash Clothes

Morocco (1967). High Atlas Mountains. To prepare for the next day's Feast of the Sheep, which celebrates Abraham's Sacrifice, Ait Hadidu Berbers wash their burnooses by stamping on them. Though they would not help their wives carry firewood, they willingly wash their own clothes too.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot great photos
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)
To view what we’ll be shooting, click on the following link:

Maroc (1967). Haut Atlas. En préparation de la fête du mouton, qui célèbre le sacrifice d’Abraham et aura lieu le jour suivant, ces Berbères Ait Haddidou lavent leurs burnous en les piétinant. Quoiqu’ils n’aident pas leurs femmes à porter le bois de chauffage, ils lavent volontiers leurs robes.  

Monday, May 27, 2013

Borneo: Dyak Man Portrait

Indonesia. Kalimantan. Central Borneo rain forest. Dyak man.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)
To view what we’ll be shooting, click on the following link:

Indonésie. Kalimantan. Forêt de Bornéo. Dayak .

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Borneo: Dyak Bringing Home The Meat

Indonesia. Borneo rain forest. Dyak man carrying sections of a python he killed.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)
To view what we’ll be shooting, click on the following link:

Indonésie. Forêt de Bornéo. Dayak transportant deux sections d’un python qu’il a tué.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Indonesia. Borneo rain forest. Dyak man playing a string instrument.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)
To view what we’ll be shooting, click on the following link:

Indonésie. Forêt de Bornéo. Homme Dayak jouant d’un instrument à cordes.

Colombia : New Day Facing A Cowboy

Colombia. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Pueblo Bello. Cowboy pulling his horse out of an inn where they spent the night,

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)
To view what we’ll be shooting, click on the following link:

Colombie. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Pueblo Bello. Cowboy abandonnant l’auberge où lui et son cheval passèrent la nuit.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kenya: Preparing For A Samburu Dance

Kenya. Mathews (Ldoinyolenkiyo) Range. Samburu moran designing a dress fit for the dance he will participate in later.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)
To view what we’ll be shooting, click on the following link:

Kenya. Chaîne Ldoinyolenkiyo. Jeune guerrier Samburu confectionnant un habit qui l’aidera à briller dans la danse à laquelle il participera plus tard.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ecuador : Herding Animals To Pasture

Ecuador. Andes Mountains near Riobamba. Family on their way to work in the field, with hoes on the back of an donkey, and to bring their animals to pasture.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)
To view what we’ll be shooting, click on the following link:

Equateur. Près de Riobamba. Famille en route pour travailler sa terre et laisser ses animaux au pâturage. Un âne transporte ses houes.  

Monday, May 20, 2013

Madagascar Coquette

Madagascar. Fenoarivo (near Toamasina).

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)
To view what we’ll be shooting, click on the following link:

 Madagascar. Fenoarivo (près de Toamasina).

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ethiopia: Danakil Bashfulness

Ethiopia. Great Rift Valley. Danakil Depression. Danakil (Afar) nomad woman.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)
To view what we’ll be shooting, click on the following link:

Ethiopie. Grande faille d’Afrique. Dépression Danakil. Femme Danakil (Afar).

Borneo: Gold-Capped Teeth And Elongated Ears

Indonesia. Borneo rain forest. Dyak woman with gold-capped teeth. Vanity in Borneo had a price. This lady was admired for the weight of her earrings, but would have been ridiculed if a broken earlobe had spilled them on the ground.

Join me in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
(For details, write to viengleb@aol.com)
To view what we’ll be shooting, click on the following link:

Indonésie. Bornéo. Femme Dayak aux dents dorées. Dans sa forêt, la vanité avait un prix. Le poids des anneaux de ses oreilles était très admiré. Mais elle aurait été ridiculisée si l’un de ses lobes avait cédé et laissé les anneaux rouler à terre.