Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Preparing for the Ultimate Wodaabe Male Beauty Contest

Niger. Sahel. Wodaabe (Bororo/Fulani) nomads preparing to perform in the Gerewol, a dance that is also a male beauty contest between clans. Blowing on friend's fresh facial paint to dry it.

Learn Photography joining Victor on a trip

Niger. Sahel. Nomades Wodaabe (Bororo/Peul) se préparant pour le Gerewol, une dance qui est a la fois un concours de beauté masculine entre clans. Soufflant sur le visage de l’ami pour en sécher la peinture.

River Harbor at Manaus, Brazil

Brazil. Manaus. Río Negro. River harbor at sunset.

Learn Photography joining Victor on a trip

Brésil. Manaus. Río Negro. Le port au coucher du soleil.

Patagonia Sheep Farmer Riding to his Daily Sheep Roundup

Argentina. Patagonia. Chubut province. Gaucho (sheep farmer) on his way to check on his sheep herds.

Learn Photography joining Victor on a trip

Argentine. Patagonie. Propriétaire de troupeaux de moutons dans sa ronde journalière.

Ashanti Farmer Spreading Cocoa Beans to Dry

Ghana. Adukrum, an Ashanti village near Kumasi. Spreading cocoa beans to dry.

Learn Photography joining Victor on a trip

Ghana. Adukrum, un village Ashanti près de Kumasi. Etendant du cacao à sécher.

Morocco: Traveling at a Leisurely Donkey's Pace

Moroccco. Near Agadir. Transporting sand to a construction site.

Learn photography joining victor on a trip

Maroc. Près d’Agadir. Transportant du sable à un site en construction.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Steely-Eyed Colombian Cowboy

Colombia. Llanos Orientales (vast eastern cattle plains). Indian cowboy.

Learn photography joining Victor on a trip

Colombie. Llanos Orientales (vastes plaines à bœufs orientales). Cowboy d’origine indienne.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Barito, a Borneo Liquid highway

Indonesia. Borneo. Barito River at Bandjarmasin. Abundant rains force people to roof their canoes.

Learn photography joining Victor on a journey

Indonésie. Bornéo. Rivière Barito a Bandjarmasin.
La pluie constante force les gens à couvrir leurs canots de toits. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wodaabe Nomad Painted and Ready to Compete in a Male Beauty Contest

Niger. Sahel. Wodaabe (Bororo/Fulani) nomad made up for a Yakey dance, which is also a male beauty contest.

Learn photography joining Victor on a trip

Niger. Sahel. Wodaabe (Bororo/Fulani) maquillé et prêt à concourir dans un Yakey, une dance qui est à la fois un concours de beauté masculine. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

River Market on Colombia’s Pacific Coast

Colombia. Nariño state. River market at Bocas de Satinga, a black village along the Pacific Coast.

Learn photography joining Victor on a trip

Colombie. Etat de Nariño. Marché sur la rivière  Satinga a Bocas de Satinga, un village afro-africain le long de la côte du Pacifique.