Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tuareg Girls’ Natural Grace Shines In Every Gesture

Niger. Sahara Desert. Millet-pounding Tuareg nomad girl rests on her pestle from hitting her mortar hard. The Tuareg of Niger eat camel-soaked millet twice a day. Camel milk is all they breakfast with.

Learn photography joining Victor on a trip

Niger. Sahara. Une jeune fille Touareg se repose un moment sur le pilon dont, avec grande énergie, elle frappe le mil dans son mortier. Le mil, baigné de lait de chamelle, est tout ce que les Touaregs du Niger mangent deux fois par jour. Ils déjeunent avec du lait de chamelle.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Afghanistan Was Once a Friendly Country

Afghanistan. Qarabagh. Kuchi(Pashtun) nomads passing through town.

Learn photography joining Victor on a trip

Afghanistan. Qarabagh. Nomades Kuchi(Pashtun) de passage.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Bolivia: In the Bowels of Potosi's Cerrro Rico

Bolivia. Potosi. In the bowels of Cerro Rico. Mined for silver since Inca times, and now for tin, this mountain, which dominates Potosi, is dangerously drilled through by countless galleries, many long lost to minds and eyes until new galleries crash through them. Though the air outside is frigid, the heat inside is such that I was able to observe miners inside tiny cavities work while being sprayed with the cold water of a hose.

Learn photography joining Victor on a trip

Bolivie. Potosí. Entrailles de Cerro Rico. Minée pour son argent depuis l’époque inca, et aujourd’hui pour son étain, cette montagne qui domine Potosí est creusée d’une quantité inimaginable de galeries, beaucoup d’elles longtemps oubliées, mais qui reparaissent quand de nouvelles galeries s’y effondrent. Quoiqu‘il fait glacial dehors, la chaleur intérieure est telle que j’ai pu observer des mineurs dans des cavités á peine grandes assez pour s’y mouvoir travailler sous l’arrosage de tuyau d’eau froide.

Bolivia. Potosi. Near Cerro Rico. Outside her house a woman is breaking tin ore scavenged from a mine's tailings.

Bolivie. Devant sa maison une femme casse du minerai d’étain de résidus de la mine de Cerro Rico qu’elle a recueillis.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Kadazan Woman Transplanting Rice In Malaysia

Malaysia. Borneo. Sabah. Near Papar. Kadazan woman transplanting rice.

Learn photography joining Victor on a trip

Malaisie. Bornéo. Sabah. Près de Papar. Femme Kadazan transplantant du riz.

Transplanting Rice in Sumatra

Indonesia. Sumatra. NearLake Toba. Batak women transplanting rice.

Learn photography joining Victor on a trip

Indonésie. Sumatra. Près du Lac Toba. Femmes batak transplantant du riz.

The Amazing Balance of Indonesians

Indonesia. Sumatra. Near Padang. Indonesians cross such makeshift bridges, and much thinner ones too, without a thought, without slowing, and without falling.

Learn photography joining Victor on a trip

Indonésie. Sumatra. Près de Padang. Les Indonésiens traversent de tels ponts de fortune, ainsi que de plus étroits, sans une pensée, sans ralentir le pas et sans jamais tomber.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Harrowing a Rice Field in Malaysia

  Blogging again after Hurricane Sandy left me without electricity for several days.

Malaysia. Sabah North Borneo). Near Papar. Kadazan boys harrowing rice field. Small boy is sitting on harrow to insure that it sinks deep enough into the mud underneath.

Learn photography joining Victor on a trip

Malaisie. Sabah (Bornéo). Près de Papar. Garçons Kadazan hersant un champ de riz. Le poids du plus jeune assure que la herse s’enfonce suffisamment.