Showing posts with label West; Africa; Niger; Sahara; desert; Tuareg; nomad; girl; milking; camel; she-camel; baby camel; indigenous; tribal; people. culture; anthropology; photo; photograph; image; picture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label West; Africa; Niger; Sahara; desert; Tuareg; nomad; girl; milking; camel; she-camel; baby camel; indigenous; tribal; people. culture; anthropology; photo; photograph; image; picture. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sahara: Living With Camels

Little Tuareg girl of Niger’s Sahara holding a bowl under the udder of a she-camel her mother is milking on the other side. The baby camel had its share of the milk first, but is trying to push the girl aside to resume its suckling, which will be allowed later. The Tuareg of Niger have only camel milk for breakfast. For lunch and dinner they wet a millet porridge with more camel milk.
Petite fille Touarègue du Sahara Nigérien tenant un bol sous le pis d’une chamelle que sa mère est en train de traire de l’autre côté de l’animal. Le bébé chameau, qui a déjà tété sa part du lait, en voudrait davantage et essaie de reprendre sa place au pis. La nourriture des Touaregs du Niger se limite à du lait de chamelle et a de la bouillie de mil.