Friday, February 15, 2013

Indonesia: Toraja House.

Indonesia. Sulawesi. Toraja house and people.

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Indonésie. Sulawesi. Maison Toraja.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Blackfoot Indian Man Portrait

Canada. Alberta. Calgary. Temporary Indian village on the grounds of the Calgary Stampede. Blackfoot Indian.

Join me and a tiny group in Ecuador this year and learn to shoot photos like these.
You won’t believe how affordable it is.
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Canada. Calgary (Alberta). Campement indien provisoire au lieu où se déroule le rodéo annuel. Indien Pied Noir.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Morocco: Fortified Berber Village In The Djebel Sarhro

Morocco. Djebel Sarhro. Ait Slilo Nekob, a fortified AÏt Ata Berber village.

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Maroc. Djebel Sarhro. Ait Slilo Nekob, un village fortifié de Berbères AÏt Ata.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ewe Women Walking To Market In Togo

Togo. Near Lome. Walking along the sea, Ewe women are carrying coconut shells to market to sell as firewood. The nuts' meat is being dried to be turned into copra.

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Togo. Près de Lomé. Femmes Ewé transportant des coquilles de noix de coco au marché pour les vendre comme bois de chauffage. La chair des noix se sèche au soleil pour en faire du coprah.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Man Of The Marquesas Islands

French Polynesia. Marquesas Archipelago. Hiva Oa Island.

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Polynésie française. Archipel des Marquises. Ile d’Hiva Oaa.

Reed-Canoe-Poling Uro On Lake Titicaca

Peru. Lake Titicaca. Uro-Aymara Indian girl poling reed canoe from her floating reed island to another. She lives in a world of reeds—the reeds surrounding her and those her family uses. To build reed islands, reed huts, reed beds (mats), reed boats, reeds to fuel the fire, and even reeds to snack on. Long ago, they even used them to make their clothes.

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Pérou. Lac Titicaca. Jeune fille Uro-Aymara usant d’une perche pour mouvoir son canot de roseaux de son ile flottante à celle d’un autre membre de sa famille. Elle vit dans un monde de roseaux. Ceux qui poussent autour d’elle et ceux dont sa famille se sert. Pour créer des iles flottantes, des huttes, des nattes pour s’y coucher, des canots et pour nourrir leurs feux. Ils le mâchent pour calmer la faim. Anciennement ils s’en faisaient des vêtements.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Riding A Llama in Ecuador's Andes Mountains

Ecuador. Andes Mountains near Zumbahua (Cotopaxi). Riding a llama.

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Equateur. Montagnes des Andes près de Zumbahua. (Cotopaxi). Montant un lama.

Woman and Llama Walking By Sacsaihuaman Inca Fortress

Peru. Cuzco. Indian woman pulling llama past Sacsayhuaman Inca fortress.

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Pérou. Cuzco. Indienne tirant un lama sous la muraille de pierres cyclopéennes de la forteresse inca Sacsayhuaman.

Friday, February 8, 2013

LinkedIn Notice

Just received the following LinkedIn notice:
Victor, congratulations!
You have one of the top 10% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012.
LinkedIn now has 200 million members. Thanks for
playing a unique part in our community!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Young House-Visiting Doctor In Lima, Peru

Peru. Lima. Young doctor ministering to a sick little girl in a poverty-stricken neighborhood house while her older brothers, in school uniforms, are observing.

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Pérou. Lima. Un jeune médecin ausculte une petite fille malade dans une maison d’un quartier très pauvre, tandis que ses frères aînés, en uniformes scolaires, observent.