Sunday, October 20, 2013

Kenya: Turkana Moran

Kenya near Lake Turkana. Turkana man with hair elaborately molded under decorative red and gray clay. Small copper tubes inserted in the clay allow the Turkana to proudly stick an ostrich feather inside one.

Kenya près du lac Turkana. Nomade Turkana. Ses cheveux cheveux sont moulés sous de la décorative argile rouge et grise d’où jaillit une plume d’autruche.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Back From Belgium

I just returned from spending a couple of weeks with my family in Belgium. I will now be posting new pictures and stories more regularly again. After catching up with my work I will dedicate some time to a story on Colombian grave robbers I once photographed.

Je viens de rentrer d’une visite de deux semaines à ma famille en Belgique. Maintenant je pourrai de nouveau m’occuper plus activement de ce blog. Lorsque j’aurai terminé le travail qui s’st accumulé durant mon absence je me consacrerai a une histoire de voleurs de tombeaux précolombiens  que j’ai photographiés à l’œuvre.

Kenya: Handsome Turkana Nomad

In Kenya, near Lake Turkana, a Turkana nomad is resting his head on his headrest while lying in the sand of a dry river bed. When sleeping, his headrest serves as a pillow. He needs it to protect his hairdo. His hair is artistically caked with red and gray clay. Copper rings inserted into the clay allow ostrich feathers to be planted inside, like the white one displayed. Like all Turkana men, he always has his headrest tied to his wrist. That headrest is also useful to sit on thorn-covered ground. His right wrist is armed with a circular knife. In a fight he will take off its leather cover.

Au Kenya, près du lac Turkana, un nomade Turkana repose sa tête sur support qui ne le quitte jamais. La nuit il lui sert d’oreiller—un oreiller qui protège sa coiffure artistiquement élaborée avec de l’argile rouge et grise d’où jaillit une plume d’autruche blanche. Ce support est également très utile pour s’y asseoir sur un sol jonché d’épines. Son poignet droit est entouré d’un couteau circulaire. Il en retire la couverture de cuir quand il se bat.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Afghanistan: Kuchi Caravaneers Cooking Lunch

Afghanistan (1965). Kuchi (Pashtun) merchants have stopped their camel caravan along a stream near Bamyan to cook lunch.

Afghanistan (1965 ).  Des marchands Kuchi ont arrêté leur caravane de chameaux le long d’un ruisseau près de Bamyan pour préparer leur repas de midi.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Afghanistan: Kuchi Nomad Herding Goats And Sheep

Afghanistan (1965). A Kuchi (Pashtun) nomad herds goats and sheep through a dusty alley of Qarabagh.

Afghanistan (1965). Un nomade Kuchi (Pashtoun) mène son troupeau de chèvres et moutons par une allée poussiéreuse de Qarabagh.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ethiopia: Survival In The Danakil Depression's Inferno

Ethiopia. Danakil nomad camp at dusk in the volcanic Danakil Depression, part of the Great Rift Valley.

Ethiopie. Campement de nomades Danakil photographié au crépuscule dans la volcanique dépression Danakil, partie de la Grande Faille d’Afrique.