Monday, May 28, 2012

Decorum is as Old as Humanity

Brazil. Amazon rain forest. Under a thatch of white bird's down a Yanomami herald who came to invite a neighboring clan to a plantain soup feast waits in the center of the vast communal house's interior courtyard to be received by an elder. He has laid down his bow and arrows next to him.

Learn photography following Victor on one of journeys

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Some Kids Will Study Under Any Conditions

Colombia. Guajira Desert. Rural school. A little Waiuu Indian Girl sitting in a corner of the class room.

Learn photography joining Victor on one of his journeys

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How About this for a Surf Board?

Colombia. Choco rain forest. Noanama Indian boy zipping over the Docordo River.

Learn photography joining Victor on one of his journeys

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fleeting Scene From Idyllic Times Past

Bolivia. Quillacollo, near Cochabamba. Church entrance.

Learn photography joining Victor on one of his journeys

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Joys of Grandfathers

Brazil. Amazon rain forest. Yanomami man and grandson.

Learn photography joining Victor on one of his journeys

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Where Hosts Push Drinks Down Guests' Throats

Brazil. Amazon rain forest. To help keep the peace with neighbors, a Yanomami clan invited another to come share plantain soup with them. Custom requires that hosts show much generosity and guests much delight with it, even  if it the soup must be pushed down their throats.  To keep up with the generosity, guests have no recourse but to also push a finger inside their throats once in a while to make room for more soup.  They get so bloated that  they end up looking high on drugs.

Brésil. Amazonie. Pour aider à conserver la paix avec des voisins, un clan yanomami en invita un autre à boire avec eux la soupe de plantain. La coutume requiert que les hôtes démontrent une grande générosité et les invités beaucoup de satisfaction, même s’il faut leur faire boire a la force. Et les hôtes font la queue devant chaque invité avec leurs pleines calebasses. Pour tenir le coup les invités n’ont d’autre recours, de temps en temps, que de s’enfoncer un doigt dans la gorge.

Learn Photography, joining Victor on one of his journeys

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nothing Entertains Children like a Great Father's Story

Brazil. Salvador. A Fisherman tells four of his ten children about a funny adventure he lived.

To learn photography, join Victor on one of his journeys

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How the Tuareg Deal with a Recalcitrant Baby Camel

Niger. Sahara Desert. A Kel Rela Tuareg girl is pulling a baby camel away from its mother for not allowing her family to draw out some of the milk for themselves. The girl would then tie the animal to a stake near her tent.

To learn photography, Join Victor on one of his journeys. Learn how.